The ovodonation program of the UR Managua solves infertility problems in advanced age

This reproductive technique, in which a donor’s fertile eggs facilitate the recipient’s motherhood, raises the success rate to 90% in two cycles.

The changes in our society lead many women to delay their motherhood. When they choose to become mothers, due to advanced age, they encounter serious infertility problems, caused by the loss of quantity and quality of their eggs.

On the International Women’s Day, the specialists of the Reproduction Unit Managua point out that due to the delay in motherhood, more and more women over 40 are choosing the ovodonation treatment to become mothers.

The ovodonation program of the Reproduction Unit Managua is aimed at women who, due to advanced age, genetic history, surgery or illness, cannot get pregnant and choose this treatment for an ongoing pregnancy and have a healthy baby. The reasons can be several, but basically they can be summarized in a lack of adequate ovarian functioning to produce eggs or produce them of poor quality.

The ovodonation is the treatment that helps a woman with fertility problems be a mother with the fertile eggs of a young donor. “The most spectacular thing about this reproductive technique is its high success rate. We reach a 90% gestation rate after two cycles, transferring two embryos and with less than 10% of having a multiple pregnancy”, states the medical director of the UR Managua, Dr. Germán Fernández.

This treatment is completely anonymous and is carried out with eggs from women between the ages of 18 and 30. The donors undergo psychological tests and various analytical controls that confirm their perfect health condition and their fertility. “They are young women who have no personal background, no family history with hereditary diseases or gynecological pathologies, and no sexually transmitted diseases,” explains the specialist.

The procedure consists of an in vitro fertilization with eggs from the donor and semen from the couple or, in the case of not having a partner, using that of a donor. Among the embryos obtained, those with the greatest evolutionary potential are selected and transferred to the mother’s uterus.

Dr. Fernandez highlights that “the high success rate achieved with ovodonation is regardless of the age of the woman, the only requirement is to have a healthy uterus and good health, an excellent solution for women for whom conventional treatments had not worked”.

The specialists of the Reproduction Unit Managua will inform you and advise you on the most appropriate treatment for your situation. We offer personalized attention with maximum comfort, tranquility and confidence.

You can contact us by phone +505 8465 7955 or by filling in the contact form on our website. In the Reproduction Unit Managua we foster life.

You can find us at:
UR Managua
Semáforos del Club Terraza 4 cuadras abajo 75 varas al Sur — Villa Fontana no. 71