This study consists in evaluating the characteristics of the man’s semen, especially the motility, sperm count, and the morphology of the sperm cells.
Sexual abstinence for 3-5 days, including masturbation is recommended before carrying out this analysis. The patient collects the sample at UR Managua, in a private room set aside for this. A form is filled out that contains the patient’s general data, their past medical history of medication, diseases and/or previous surgery.
Once the patient has collected the sample from masturbating, our lab staff will then analyze it and give the diagnosis according to what is found in the study.
The results will be available on the very same day, which is why the patient should get in touch with our admissions staff, and tell them whether the results should be sent to him by email or printed out. At UR Managua we guarantee that the results are kept safe and confidential, the patient will be given the chance to be examined by one of our specialists, who will recommend treatment or the steps to follow.
In some special cases, the patient can collect the sample at home, it must not be frozen, refrigerated or exposed to direct sunlight and it must be taken to our clinic immediately after it has been collected. The results can vary if the patient collects the sample at home, which is why we recommend collecting the sample at our laboratory to get more accurate results.